Oct 10, 2024
Join us for Trunk or Treat!
Join us in your costumes for a spooktacular time at KME's 4th annual Trunk or Treat! Â Please Register/RSVP your Trunk or Treaters!
Welcome! Thank you for visiting!
This website was created in an effort to bridge communication between the school and KME families. Our hope is that it can be your one-stop-shop for all KME related news and event information, so be sure to check back often for updates!
Spring Flower Sale is here!
Pick-up on 4/17​​​
Send us pictures for the KME Yearbook throughout the school year! YearbookKME@gmail.com
NEW: Check out the KME Lost & Found!
Manage all paperwork and enrollment information
View grades, attendance records, and class information
View grades, attendance records, and test scores
Lots of information including a staff directory and school policies
Important information coming directly from KME & Kings District
Order your spirit wear anytime throughout the year!
Important information on all KME events and fundraisers
Kings Youth Sports Information
View all of the Youth Sport Programs offered through Kings
A comprehensive list of youth activities in our area with websites.
You can also check out the Peachjar e-Flyers for upcoming events offered through local businesses.
View volunteer opportunities & sign up to volunteer at KME events
Find information on activities and upcoming events advertised through local businesses
(not through Kings)
See how you can help support our schools and students by donating food, clothes, or supplies